Travelogue: Dog River, AL

Dog River, you say? Not familiar with that one.

Neither was I. For fall break we decided we had to get the kids out of town so a few families got together and checked out our options. The beach was a bit too far and all the good houses were taken. Mountains were waaayyy to far for a weekend trip. We do love the Grand Hotel in Fairhope but its a costly endeavor, especially if you are planning it last minute.

Then my friend found a few places along a river outside Mobile, Alabama and that is where we landed. On the Dog River, to be specific. And it was glorious. A lot of the houses here were built as weekend places for the well-heeled in both Mobile and New Orleans but then folks started to move out full time. For fellow-Texans, the best way to describe it: picture the houses along Lake Austin with sloping lawns down to the docks but make the homes in a more Southern Creole style, add a few acres of lush ferns, palms, and a scattering of pine trees to each lot, and you are close.

The house we found was pretty special on its own. Once a speak-easy, the family who owns it has started renting it out but it’s not like any VRBO I’ve stayed in. Populated by antiques and finds from world travels, it really feels like you are in someone’s home. The house and family were even profiled in Mobile Bay magazine.

And what is there to do out on Dog River? A whole lot of nothin’ — which was perfect! We banished the kids outside to play where they enjoyed kayaking, watching the flying mullet take off across the water each evening, and playing intense games of laser tag (huge fan of these, by the way - you can integrate sets so everyone can play).

And the adults? We kept our resident chef company in the kitchen, spent a lot of time sipping cocktails on the pier, and watched the Saints game in our PJs. Oh…and there was a pretty hilarious family karaoke night but luckily all videoed evidence has been destroyed. At least I hope it has. It has, right?

Definitely recommend adding it to your travel list if you make it down this way.


Closer I am to fine..

