Author Kirsten Breckinridge

Kirsten Breckinridge

You can take the girl out of Texas but you can’t take Texas out of the girl.

Originally from Dallas, I’ve lived in North Carolina, NYC, Austin, DC, and am currently quite settled in New Orleans. Along the way, my career path zig zagged from teaching to pharma consulting to counseling to college programming to Federal Grant management to strategic consulting. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, but I definitely want writing to play a more prominent role. Also along the way, I met and married a lawyer from New Orleans and have two of the most amazing kids. I also have lucked into a family of girlfriends who have sustained me for over 30 years and their friendship inspires me daily.

Taking the Long Way Home is my first novel. Huckleberry Scout is my first attempt at blogging. Taken together, I think I can finally call myself a writer.

Other things you should know? I love food and wine and marching bands and music festivals, travel and hosting parties that last all day long. My happiest place: day drinking with good friends and great food.

Finally, I am a person of deep faith. A devoted Episcopalian, I take my baptismal oath seriously: to love and serve Christ in all persons, to love my neighbor as myself, to strive for justice and peace and respect the dignity of every human being. Faith was the bending force that veered my career path from for-profit to non profit and faith gave me the courage to take the leap to writing. Faith inspires gratitude and is the reason I am committed to donate 10%, the traditional tithe amount, for anything I make off this website.